Futuristic Smart Office Equipment

Densimeter Quarrz AU-300

Short Desc

           Precious Metal Tester

Gold, Silver and allied products come under categorization of precious metal. Therefore, to quantify the density, purity, volume and different parameter, customers install our Precious Metal Tester that is accessible in many grades and sizes. Each model of our tester is functional in particular field yet quantifies additional parameters effectively. Integral digital screen depicts the result in numerical terms with specific measurement unit. In addition, multiple buttons are provided for customers convenience in testing several precious metal parameters. Further, Precious Metal Tester has effective weighing scale with disintegrated compartment(s), which is totally secured to avert outer influences in testing.

Key Features:

  • Compact design with automated functions
  • Battery operated for quick testing
  • Rubber pads integrated at bottom for stable installation
  • Curved cornered casing of light grade plastic
Weight 5 kg
Dimensions 0.42 × 0.165 × 0.32 cm


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